HoD's Message

Mission statement

To produce quality computer engineers having excellent problem solving, communication and management skills underpinned by a sound knowledge of engineering fundamentals and ability to put theory into practice for serving local and global community and resolving new engineering challenges faced in industry, start-ups or academia through a curriculum based on modern pedagogies and applied research.

HoD's Message


The Computer systems engineering Department offers a PEC accredited undergraduate degree in Computer Systems. Undergraduates of computer engineering students have access to a wide array of subjects, including computer networks, artificial intelligence, software engineering, database management systems, data sciences, control systems, electronics, and electric circuits. Our main objective is to enable our students with the latest technical knowledge and skills by providing them with the best teaching faculty, lab facilities, exceptional development environment, and excellent infrastructure.

Computer systems engineers develop breakthrough technologies from software for mobile devices to artificial intelligence and machine learning, from solid-state circuits to smart healthcare systems that transform every aspect of our lives. With such opportunities and the impact of technology, there is no better time to consider a career as a computer engineer.

It is amusing and exciting to study at CSED as our Department provides a pleasant, dynamic and conducive environment for students to grow as Computer Engineers. I do hope that you will find the Computer Engineering Department a remarkable and exciting, and I look forward very much to welcoming you to our department.

Dr. Abdul Sattar Chan

HoD & Associate Professor